2023 – The Transition  – A New Beginning & Planetary Awakening On A Global Scale

We are all experiencing and witnessing a truly extraordinary time of transformation and change for our planet and humanity. This period in time and our history was forseen and it is what many of us have been preparing and waiting for.
This is not a time for division or separation, it’s quite the opposite. We are uniting the masses like never before.
We are in a pivotal state of remembering our true natureh and our expanded Self.
Our planet is taking a deep breath as we break free from imposed and self imposed restriction and control and into freedom.
It is a time of awakening, an opportunity to slow down, to stop the merry-go-round, to be removed from all the distractions, to re-evaluate our lives and reassess if our choices, including career and purpose is truly what we are aligned with or desire anymore.
We come back to our truth – learning to live from our higher heart space.
Do we dare to take a new direction, to free up our thinking to make different choices.
Stillness is how you come home to yourself and for many, it’s the first time they have been given this chance to become quiet. Others find it needed to be forced upon them to create the change they require.
There is an art to becoming still and quiet, it takes some time to adjust to and for our minds to adapt to being less busy.
In order to shift humanity forward, we need a global event to do so, and here it is.
This is not so much new, but a reminder that what often presents to us as destruction, (such as natural disasters, wars and pandemics that momentarily show us the potential of humanity), is merely the catalyst for change that could happen no other way.
Trust your intuition which is growing steadily and will lead you to realisations. On the flip side are those that prefer you asleep, weighed down, unaware and relinquishing freedoms to suit other agendas. But we have much more light upon this planet than ever before, so the hold is breaking.
Notice your reactions – especially those that ignite the anger, fear, sadness, grief, frustrations and judgements – these are vital keys to the patterns you hold, the imprints, ancestral lineages, the indoctrination and embedded beliefs of your past that limit you.
How others react will show you the level of imprints and suppressions they hold within and are climbing out of.
Awakening is not always comfortable, it can be both messy and deeply confronting, but there can also be moments of wonder, sheer exhilaration and excitement.
If you are feeling the heaviness of the collective, have plugged into or felt the fears, anxiety and negativity within you coming to the surface and triggering – you are not alone, it will touch everyone in varying degrees. It is normal to feel this at such an intensified time. It’s ok to feel the uncomfortable feelings.
These triggers and feelings are here to show you what needs to be let go of and released from your psyche and energy fields – and there are many ways to do this and many support systems you can tap into.
There is a huge amount of fear and death energy surging and being very tangibly felt right now across the planet – deep imprints located in certain countries are also purging where the wrongs, atrocities and suppressions have been long held over time. These places will have an effect on the people, culture and connections that form part of those imprints.
There will be those unable to shift with the dramatic changes taking place, unable to process the new energy frequencies through the heavily loaded density of their bodies, some have come as far as they intended and for some, soul contracts are ending. This too is a choice. Many will exit. Many will be born to take their place.
For those of us particularly energy sensitive or empathic, you may be feeling these strong sensations coming up through your body, coming and going or overwhelming you. Feelings, sensations, visions of the past, your past lives and other dimensions through access to psyche lines may be open to you now.
The intensified energetic shifts occurring for many people as they release limiting beliefs and imprints, will result in physical signs such as aches, pains, headaches, internal vibration, tiredness, head fog and flu/virus like symptoms – it is why there is a section of people who are symptomatic, but not testing ‘positive’ to the ‘pandemic’ playing out at present. For it is not ‘illness’ they are experiencing but a deeper awakening that’s spreading and an elevating of the light body beyond the familiar of 3D to 4D, 5D and beyond. First seeing glimpses of this newly evolving version of self, later to become the norm within the physical form.
The new frequencies engaging with us now are high, meaning they create heat when they interact with our bodies and fields, often producing sensations like a fever or surges of internalised heat that come and go. Our bodies are being changed from carbon based to a crystalline form, burning away egoic behaviours and fear . At times, we may be forgiven for thinking we are all going through a collective menopause!
Also commonly felt for some time, but now escalating dramatically, is the accompanying high pitch constant ringing in the ears as the waves move across the planet and beyond. This can be measured by the ‘Schumann Resonance’ – the natural frequency and vibration of the planet – currently alternating from its normal setting of 7.83hz.
For those familiar with experiencing energy work and varying levels of energetic shifts, the array of physical and/or emotional symptoms of fallout is a normal part of the release process, as it move through the density of the body where it was deposited and being held. It takes considerable energy to process and make big shifts – lethargy and tiredness will
Be common despite the fact you are not doing very much. The hot air balloon cannot rise when held down by heavy sand bags.
Fear is the strongest, limiting energy we hold – reflecting our past experiences of life, death, mortality and survival – to release fear is to free oneself and move into a new level of expanded consciousness.
Fear and anxiety (a derivative of fear) can be crippling, but it holds the keys to our deeper knowing, understanding of self, the reasons we think and feel as we do, and opens the doorway to our freedom and endless possibilities. This is but one of the gifts we are receiving.
We are also entering a new phase of abundance – reviewing our relationship to what that means for us – financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Abundance is far more than the dollar, albeit this is how many people view it to primarily be. Simplicity and the more relaxed, natural flow of life is what we are being shown and reminded of – the excess, luxury, materialism and greed we have been steered toward is now clearly visible.
In order to create and manifest the new Earth, the old will first need to crumble, perish, die and be destroyed, paving the way for the rebuild and rebirth.
Energy work and techniques that access the origin points of these emotions and stored memories, are excellent for clearing and restoring balance and peace of mind, body and spirit.
Adding to your own skills by learning to meditate, and having simple energy techniques like breath work to pull down the new frequencies into the body and ground them, will enable you to dwell within the higher energetic levels and make this ride smoother and more comfortable.
Self care has never been so important and essential for keeping calm, centred and allowing the changes, emotions and energies to flow through us.
Simple steps such as connecting with nature, being creative, singing, dance and movement such as Yoga, Pilates, Qigong or going for a walk are all additional tools for wellness, wellbeing and raising awareness of being present with mind, body and soul.
Take a luxurious bath and immersing in water is emotionally balancing, gardening is earthy and grounding, engaging in your favourite ritual and in prayer connects us to our Higher Mind.
Sound work therapies such as chanting, drumming or using singing bowls can lift our mood and refine our energy.
Eating well to fuel the body and allowing for extra resting and replenishment during extreme times is vital to ease stress and fatigue. It will help sustain our fluctuating energy.
Gratitude lifts a gloomy, depressed mood to a natural high – practice it daily.
Keep things simple, have a routine if that helps keep some normality going, or perhaps letting go and having no routine is just what you need – allowing yourself to have permission to just Be is very empowering. Focusing on one thing at a time, whether that be washing the dishes, putting out the rubbish, walking to the letterbox, or exercising, will ease the grip of tension you may be experiencing.
If you are feeling the isolation or loneliness due the restrictions in place at the moment, know we are never really alone. Our Guides, Star, Celestial and Angelic families never left. On the Earth plane, tap into technology in order to connect with others – reach out and make a call to friends, set up a video link with family, send an email or text, we have never been more connected across space and time when physically distanced. Perhaps you may like to go back to basics and write a card or send a loved one a letter.
It’s time to open our eyes to the new unfolding reality, to become alive to the bigger picture, to unlock and rise.
Like everything – we are always changing, growing and evolving – so this phase too shall pass. There will be many more phases yet to come with time to catch our breath in between.
What awaits on the other side of this re-set is exciting. We will begin to see the fullness of this unfolding in the coming months and years as we gain clarity about the changes taking place now, why they are needed and what they are for.
We are entering a time of a new normal, where extra sensory and perception, astral travel, unity and collective consciousness, access to multi-dimensional states, the affect of planetary alignments, telepathy, clairvoyance, our connection to the cosmos and the like are no longer for the ‘gifted’ few – but for all.
Those who walk the Earth are remembering their Sovereignty.
The human spirit is strong.
How will you remember your place in history?
Big love, rest, stay well everyone and reach out if you need assistance – you do not need to go through this alone.

It is time to Evolve.

Much Love,

– Sue ♥